Ed Lee created a new topic ' KStars imagers – help needed' in the forum. 2 years ago

Note: This will be a multiple post introduction.

Part 1 - Background
Hi all. I’ve been working on a long term feature request that has been stuck within the development effort for a while. This is the ability to flexibly choose the filename and destination directory of your images within the Capture module. This will allow you use any of these items of information (or tags), along with free text, in the file naming:
• Target Name – eg. M42
• Exposure Time – eg. 0.001 (1/1000th sec)
• Capture Time Stamp – eg. 2022-07-11T01-53-22 (yyyy-MM-ddThh-mm-ss)
• Frame Type – eg. Light, Dark, Bias, etc
• Filter Name – eg. H-Alpha
• File Name of the sequence .esq file
• Relative to the sequence .esq file, the directory name at any path level above – eg. if the .esq file is stored at /home/pi/captures you could select any of: “home”, “pi”,or “captures”
• Relative to the sequence .esq file, the path name at any level above – eg. if the .esq file is stored at /home/pi/captures you could select any of: “/home/”, “/home/pi/” ,or “/home/pi/captures/”
• A sequential number with a defined number of digits – eg. 001, 002, etc, or 00001, 00002, etc, and so on.

All of the above is already defined and implemented by the prior work of @kchoi.

The task I’m left with is how to implement this in the GUI. I can think of a few approaches and would like you opinions and comments as to which way to proceed…

Note that all the following are just ideas, elements could be mixed and matched, and both the free text typing of a Format string and the ‘legacy default mode’ described in Approach 1 could be available for any choice.