Willi created a new topic ' Sesto Senso 2 - Cannot read position' in the forum. 9 months ago

I just bought and installed a Sesto Senso 2 focuser.

It works via USB and its Built-in Wifi. I had rested it and re-calibrated in on my scope from scratch with the WiFi and the browser based GUI.

When connecting out to a RPi with a USB cable and running EKOS, it seems the SS2 is being detected, but EKOS cannot read or interpret the absolute position of the focuser:
... Sesto Senso 2 @ [WARNING] Failed to process position response: _STEP80933 (10 bytes)

The value 80933 is the absolute position... but it is not transferred to the driver.

Any idea what is going on? I have INDI 1.9.7 installed.