Lee Peterson created a new topic ' Ekos Scheduler did not wake up' in the forum. 1 year ago

I'm really enjoying kstars/ekos and finally have my hardware stable enough for everything to run all night.

Last night I tried to run two targets. One was scheduled to run from astronomical twilight to 2330, when it fell below the 20 degree limit my site requires. The other was scheduled to start at 0230 in the morning, when it rose above the 20 degree limit.

The first target was acquired perfectly. The mount parked as planned, and the system went to sleep. But it never woke up for the second target.

This morning it looked like everything was fine. There were no hardware errors in ekos or in the dmesg or in the syslog. Nothing had crashed, but the scheduler was still asleep.

Any ideas on what might have prevented the scheduler from waking? I have a watchdog, but it did not trigger and is currently set to not do anything. And the weather limits were perfect all night.