Good morning Wolfgang, thank you for your answer. I understand that this software that I find great will become without profit and with the little time you have. I personally thank you for your work. For me it is very convenient to work with a single software that implements everything and allows me to work with scheduled and remote sessions. For that reason I started with it last year and with my Losmandy mount G11 with Gemini I, and everything was fine, especially the Park function that is fundamental to end the session with tranquility. However with the snuevas versions of Indi, this function does not go well and is interrupted and yet before parked well and also does with Ascom software. As for the voltage of the meridian, as work with exoplanets and it takes a lot of time to follow, although I start to the East finally crosses the meridian and continues until reaching the limit of the West and fortunately does not collide with the mount.
Other times the mount makes the goto according to Kstars and starts past the meridian, but of course if you have to take almost 5 hours it also reaches the West boundary. In these cases I am thinking of stopping the session and sending the telescope further east, and continuing with the previous work, although if it coincides that the transit of the exoplanet is at that moment ruins the entire session. I stand at your disposal to do whatever tests you tell me, or that you think you should, waiting for the weather to improve as I have everything mounted on column and covered with tarps by rain. Thank you and a greeting