MH replied to the topic 'CEM40 usb drops connection' in the forum. 2 years ago

This may not be the problem nor solution - I debugged this *endlessly* with my GEM45, and a powered hub didn't help (but I did spend money!).

See the culmination of my mostly-complete "saga" here .

The USB to RJ12 adapter however did *not* work, and the guiding issues were because I suck at polar alignment.

I did run into the "[ERROR] Failed to connect to port (/dev/ttyUSB0). Error: Port failure Error: No such file or directory. Check if device is connected to this port." problem as well - it was because the Pi couldn't assign it a USB adapter correctly, iirc because of the mount itself (was often the problem with the GEM45 when going direct-to-mount with the Pi).

You can see this on the Pi4 terminal by running:

dmesg -Tw

Then plug in the mount however you are doing this via USB - you can see what that will likely look like here if you are experiencing the same problem I was.

TL;DR: Grab a cheap, *unpowered* USB hub (I linked directly to the one I ended up using) and try that - it may save you a massive amount of headache / money-spending.