There seems to be a problem building INDI 1.9.9 on Windows with MSYS2. My build environment is as follows:

  1. MSYS2 - Mingw64 and,
  2. MSYS2 - clang64.
  3. ucrt64 and clang64 environments

After running cmake and then mingw32-make the build fails with:
indi\libs\indidevice\indiutility.cpp:49:51: error: too many arguments to function 'int mkdir(const char*)'

This appears to be caused by mkdir() requiring one parameter when there are two parameters at line 49 of indiutility.cpp. I have "fixed" this problem by making the following change:
    // Remove mode_t from mkdir()
    if (errno != ENOENT || ((mdret = mkdir(dir.c_str())) && errno != EEXIST))
           return mdret;

Is this an acceptable fix?
