Steve Cohen created a new topic ' whoami when running astroarch' in the forum. 2 weeks ago

I'm finally getting a chance to play with 1.8 on my new Pi-5.

I found the following issue:

The GUI settings page would not let me change the timezone (which defaults to UTC), even though I entered the password astro for the astroarch user I am logged in as.

I found an old post by Stephane Carlin in which he recommends using the

sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Phoenix
command line, and this worked, then I decided to RTFM, and found that this is what your README doc recommends as well. Silly me. RTFM First!

But why is this the case? I guess it's because this is something only root can do. Not sure why that should be the case, but whatever. But if that's the case, why does my noVNC browser tab for astroarch say that it is showing "root@astroarch - noVNC"? Why the difference between the user I am actually logged in as and what the browser says? This seems more confusing than it should be.