So I'm alternating between WeatherRadio and indiduinoMETEO, they both seem to have the same problem. If I use METEOtest, all the hardware works nicely through the Serial connection. When I switch back to either of the other ones, the driver doesn't connect. Also there is nothing in the logs. I've switched on all the options I can find, like 'verbose' etc. The baud rate is set properly, but the connection tag is red. As far as I can see the difference is firmata. Indi-rolloffino also does work and that doesn't use firmata.

I feel a bit lost.

I could potentially hand-roll my own third party driver based on the indi-rolloffino driver, but it seems like a lot of hard work. That's why I'm thinking of moving away from INDI-duino to Cloudwatcher etc. And obviously there is a cost involved.

Kind regards
