I'm a n00b on a quest towards astrophotography and I've been learning the whole stack for a few sessions now. I've been having random problems, some of which have been solved by the recent update and some because I realized my user errors. Yesterday however, I again ran into several random issues and I'm wondering if these are something that I could fix myself or if these are actual bugs in the software.

1. Optical Trains dropdown disabled
On random occasions the optical trains dropdown and the edit button is disabled/ususable. There's no default train selected so it's not possible to do anything else than restart KStars. Sometimes the restart fixes it, sometimes not. Previously I had the Snap version and it had no problems like this. Now I'm running the stable PPA. (Because the Snap version is not the latest)

2. FITS transfer format gets broken images
If the image transfer format is FITS (instead of Native), sometimes the frames are broken. Again, it's a random thing happening and sometimes it works. "Broken frames" here means that on the KStars FITS viewer it looks like gray noise without any signal. On Siril they looked all black. This is especially annoying since I think the Polar alignment/Solver tab automatically changes the transfer format back to FITS, even if I selected Native on the INDI control panel.

3. Sequencer frozen in the middle of a 30 frame sequence
I had a sequence running for 30 frames each having 60s. At some point I noticed that it was 10 minutes since the last frame and the sequence progress was 23/30 frames. After I clicked the stop button, whole KStars crashed.

It's going to be a clear sky here tonight, so if I could get any hints for these, I could try fixing already tonight. I'm a programmer myself so I can try to debug something if I get some instructions.

Also: Thanks everyone behind this software and forum. This stuff is golden!