Matteo replied to the topic 'CCD won't connect' in the forum. 2 weeks ago

If you have a contact cleaner spray, it can help: It the WD-40 Contact cleaner has saved some HDMI and USB connectors in past. Now, if I find them, I’m trying to buy golden plated cables for astrophotography because the humidity of the night is a big issue.


It is a missing feature due to VNC server change: now with TigerVNC, as you can read here the clipboard isn’s supported :(


Matteo replied to the topic 'bleeding edge is here - kstars & indi' in the forum. 1 month ago

Now I’m on bleeding edge.
If one day I’ll back to stable and some installed packages are ahead than stables, the next update-astroarch will downgrade them or they will stay untouched until the stable version surpasses the one currently installed?


Yes, I think this feature could help.
Sometimes I mix long exposures sequences with lucky imaging technique (1-3 seconds of subframe) and if I forget to change the dither setting, I spend more time to dither than imaging :lol:


Matteo replied to the topic 'New Feature: The Donut Buster' in the forum. 1 month ago

I am trying it out now on my SCT 8". A fantastic result for a cloudy night where only a few stars are visible to the naked eye!