
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

Current 'Train' in git builds - managing names and adding instruments

  • Posts: 132
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I found the now locked 'train' thread. I am also noticing trains are being implemented in the git builds. Trains are showing up in the EKOS windows, camera, mount, align etc.
First, If I change the train on one, i.e. camera the train in the other EKOS windows are not changed. If this is the desired behavior then there will need to be complex train paradigm, i.e. one for each meta train. If it is not the desired behaviour then a master train needs to become a configuration variable.
Second. I have hit a bit of a snag, somehow in stumbling around I added a 'telescope'. However I seem to be unable to add a second. I can get back to a panel that describes the original instrument. However I cannot add a second instrument. The first instrument does show up in other drop down menus.
Finally the train manager will allow me to create a second train. However I seem to be unable to edit the name.
I could be missing something obvious. Thank you in advance, Dan
1 year 1 month ago #91786

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Ready Fire Aim: I played around with the configuration a bit more. The 'name' is derived from the definition fields. I am able to create a second scope. You can delete this entire post to cut down on the noise.
1 year 1 month ago #91787

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Update on 'trains'.
First trains are independent on each window in EKOS that has a train. Changing one does not change the others. Is this the indended operation?
I can see advantages to independence, however that can also create confusion. If the pardigm is each window in EKOS is an independent operation then being able to tie an operation to a train is a powerful mechanism. I find the current train configureation window to be weak. First it is not elevated to a managable position, I would suggest having a link from the Setup window would help. Second having more controls such as the ability to edit the name.
The avove would allow a single operation to use multiple trains, i.e. one for aligning the mount and one for capturing.
The mount is a special case of a train. That is for a single instrument there is only one mount. I would nor tie optics to the mount, but rather tie them to the optical purpose, i.e. alignment, capture, etc.
These are ramblings. Thanks in advance for considering. Dan
1 year 1 month ago #91812

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I went back and worked through trains a bit more. The optics drop down allows for creating new instruments. However the main window appears to only allows for currently identified objects to be selected. Is there an implied relationship to the indi configurator? I have not experimented with that.
My simple usage would be to configure a train before power on and then have it come on line with power. Is this a bad practice?
1 year 1 month ago #91814

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