If I have to put my 2 cents, I prefer a little of voodoo than spending hours researching all the needed drivers in ASCOM and Windows.
There is also another thing in favor of linux: no matter which flavor you run, it's a lot less demanding than any version of Windows. On small PCs it makes a lot of difference! And remember that you can try with a VM before installing it on a real machine.

In the end it's as easy as:

  • Install Ubuntu LTS (it's like installing Windows, but easier and faster)
  • Run the terminal one time
  • Paste three commands
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indi-full gsc kstars-bleeding
  • Profit
You can also use the GUI to install programs, there is an "App Store" called Software Center that you can use to do it:
  1. Follow this guide to install the ppa: Ubuntu add PPA (you need to add ppa:mutlaqja/ppa)
  2. Follow this guide to install indi and kstars: Ubuntu software center (you need to install indi-full, gsc and kstars-bleeding)
But as you can see, pasting three commands in a terminal is a lot faster and easier. That's why the command line still exists: if you know it, you cannot turn back... I use it even on Windows to install and manage applications using chocolatey or scoop.

Let's now see how you do it on windows:
  1. Install Windows (it's like installing Ubuntu, not as easier)
  2. Start searching the main camera driver
  3. Install the driver
  4. Start searching the guide camera driver (if different)
  5. Install the driver
  6. Start searching the mount drivers
  7. Install the driver
  8. Repeat for all the drivers needed
  9. Install a planetarium (not needed but nice to have)
  10. Install N.I.N.A. | APT | your software of choice
  11. Pray you don't have any problem or conflict or forgoot something
I don't know what's the method that require an IT Degree to do and mantain.

And that's only the part about installing it, if you want to update it in Ubuntu terminal you just do:
  • Open terminal
  • Run a single line of command
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  • Profit

  • or through the software center:
    For window, I think you already know it ;)

    The terminal can look intimidating, but if you need to paste a couple of commands I think you can do it... I don't think it's that harder to do than searching all over the internet for the right things to run on windows!

    Don't fear the voodoo! Embrace the terminal! ;)
