
this is some of the first attempts to use Ekos so I might have missed some checkboxes... Capture hardware: ASI 120MM as a guide camera attached and ASI 178MC as main camera.

Action sequence:
0. I have setup profile with cameras defined as ZWO CCD and mount as EQMod Mount
1. Start INDI and connect. So far so good.
2. Select Align module and choose my guide camera. "Dark" checkbox is checked.
3. Click Capture and Solve. Ekos asks me i my camera has a shutter, I answer no as it does not (or does it?). Then I am greeted with second dialog, prompting me to cover the scope to take the dark frame. As this new run and I do not have any dark frames yet in my library, I think this is normal. I click next and Ekos captures dark frame and without prompting captures normal frame and tries to solve it.

1. Scope is still covered and Ekos tries to solve only noise.
2. I am greeted with FITS Viewer window showing noise. Is that supposed to be the dark frame or what? What am I supposed to to with that? I would expect dark frame would silently saved to library.

Thank you