Some inteface tests.

When first open focuser tab with Atik, the subframe is disabled "but" with a check-mark (I think this check is disconsidered when disabled, but I don't know). Then I selected the guider camera, that enable the box. It comes "selected", I unselect and switch back to Atik. Then Atik show the box disabled but unselected.

I didn't find the "preview" mode that need to be set in INDI Control Panel. It should be there?

The last picture is from Ekos, nothing to set there too.

I think that you are talking about an "internal" set that need to be checked on driver, not on visual interface (maybe I misunderstood).
I saw people talking about "mutex", is it something that I can "configure" ou it's a code change?
And the last thing, Jpaana says that 383L+ shows frame size as 3362x2537, in my case, same camera, 3354x2529 (firmware 801).
