Merry Christmas! Alignment simply doesn't perform the correct transformations either from mount to sky or sky to mount, after syncing it with 4 points. My observation site is fairly constrained, so I'm not able to do a full east/west sync point or north/south sync point.

To accelerate testing, I created a function to inject sync points, and set it up as follows:

1. 0 degrees altitude, 90 degrees azimuth (due east)
2. 45 degrees altitude, 90 degrees azimuth (east-up)
3. 60 degrees altitude 45 degrees azimuth (north-east, up)
4. 0 degrees altitude, 180 degrees azimuth (due south)

Neither the nearest plugin, or the built-in can consistently map the sky or mount coordinates against its physical location, but the SVD algorithm seems to do well (with limited testing).