Didier PEYRET replied to the topic 'ServoCAT driver' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi Doug. Thank you to have took the time to detail the process. I have not been precise enough in my former message. I know that the ServoCAT cannot issue a GoTo command by itself. My understanding after some exchanges with StellarCAT is that an external planetarium software such as Kstars would send a GoTo to the ServoCAT. The ServoCAT recognise it as a command for the AN and transfer it. At this point the process is the one that you have described, using RA/DEC encoders (my mount is equatorial). In this configuration the AN remain necessary to compute the commands to be send to the ServoCAT for the motors.
However, you are of course right, Kstars and AN are redundant, doing the same job. So I guess it would be simpler to get rid of the AN. But with my current setting, only the AN is connected to encoders, so that the ServoCAT knows the position of the mount only through the AN. I don't know if there is a setting to connect the encoders directly to the ServoCAT.
Thanks again for your interest in the topic.