Don created a new topic ' How to determine Device Type' in the forum. 3 years ago

I've been working a bit on a pure Swift library that parses INDI messages. So I have been looking at the XML that is send over the socket. 
What I'm trying to do now is to determine the type of device (e.g. mount, focusser, filter wheel, CCD, ...) from the information I get from the INDI server.
I hoped that there would be an attribute that would indicate the device type. But there does not seem to be one. So I guess, I need to determine the device type from the propertyVectors I get from the device.

Is there any standard set of properties that are used for different device types?
And, do all device drivers use the same propertyVector name for the same concept (such as EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD for equatorial coordinates)? Or do different drivers use different names for the same concept?

Many thanks,