I don't know where you live, but here in the US computers are either Windows or Macs. This is not to say there may be some other place in the world where you can get a laptop to desktop with Linux preinstalled, but not here. You can order one like that from China, but you won't find them here otherwise.

Windows and Macs have terminals too, but nobody needs to use them to get anything done. That's the point. Linux is a great operating system, but it's still stuck in 1991 with it's insistence of using the terminal.

What I like about Astroberry and Stellarmate is that I can install the ISO and just go. Their Achilles Heel is that they run on Linux. When you need to add or change anything, you need to go to the terminal. I just leave them alone because I don't care to be spending my time typing cryptic and obtuse commands to simply try to get from point A to point B.

The reason I'd like to see INDI on Windows is because I prefer to use KStars over something like NINA. Not that NINA is bad, I just prefer KStars. Actually, if KStars would simply recognize the ASCOM platform, then I would just use that. The only real advantage INDI has, and really the reason I use it other than KStars needs it, is that the libgphoto2 database it uses has camera drivers that don't exist in ASCOM.