Kaya Saman replied to the topic 'Nikon DSLR conflict' in the forum. 2 years ago

Thanks for posting this. I tried to connect my new D500 today and sure I kept getting the indi_nikon_ccd driver crashed, and wouldn't startup at all.

Jasem's libgphoto fix worked!

As I already have a Pentax K1 ii with the 3rd_party inid repo pulled from Github, it was just a matter of updating the libgphoto portion then building.

The fix has already been committed to the master/main branch: github.com/indilib/indi-3rdparty/blob/ma.../indi-gphoto/INSTALL

For now it doesn't crash and allows me to take preview images - as that's all I've tested. Unfortunately I don't have a mount yet so I can't really test it in the field right now :-(

Even though my setup is pretty much lacking everything at this point I still want to say thanks ;-)