Jean-Luc replied to the topic 'Plate Solving Woes' in the forum. 3 weeks ago

Hello Hy,
I don't think the doc being faulty. Rather the CKI (Chair-keyboard interface = the user).
I did read (the french translation) many times and read the part about that, but I did not understand it until I read your reply in this post.
I know how difficult and time consuming is making a doc. Especially when the product evolves regularly.
In this case, there are two problems : mastering the hardware / software and the language frontier.
For translations, the translaters must master the hardware / software, the languages subtilities, and be precise enough for the beginners to understand but not too much for not boring neither them nor the experienced users.
Demanding this from volunteers would be quite unfair.
I intend to compare both the english and french docs, and try to find whether this was because of the docs themselves or (more probably) because of me.
It took me only 20 minutes yesterday to achieve polar alignment, modelise the mount bring M51 very near or the cetnre of the field and start aquiring with a very accurate tracking.
Before that, I would have spent (less than 2 minutes for visual polar align and) up to 2 hours to bring the target in the field.