Greg replied to the topic 'iOptron GEM45' in the forum. 4 years ago

Looks like the V3 driver is making the initial connection, you can see the MountInfo command making the connection as like in the moserial terminal test. the other driver won't work as it is using the older V# command.

It looks like the mount is communicating and then is starting to get errors. Check linux "dmesg -T" to see if getting any errors at the USB driver level. You may want to try a different USB cable as well and see if getting same time out errors.. I've checked my logs and seeing the same commands being passed, but not any timeout errors.

iOptron Command Language 2014 2.5:

Also indiserver running for mine:
INDI Library: 1.8.6
Code 1.8.6-tgz. Protocol 1.7.