Ook, installing libzmq3-dev, zmq.h appears under /usr/include. If compilation works I will post here.



I don´t know if it is relevant, but zmq.h is missing from /usr/include. I think this folder is where gcc search the headers.


Hi Toni,

It exists under /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu. I´m usint a Raspberry. In addition, libzmq.so.5.2.4 also exists.




I´m trying to build the latest stable version of Indi 2.0.6 and Kstars 3.6.9 in my RPI4, but I´m getting the next error during the indi-3rdparty compilation:

/home/daniel/AstroRoot/indi-3rdparty/indi-avalonud/indi_avalonud_aux.cpp:37:10: fatal error: zmq.h: No existe el fichero o el directorio
37 | #include <zmq.h>
| ^~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [indi-avalonud/CMakeFiles/indi_avalonud_aux.dir/build.make:82: indi-avalonud/CMakeFiles/indi_avalonud_aux.dir/indi_avalonud_aux.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3845: indi-avalonud/CMakeFiles/indi_avalonud_aux.dir/all] Error 2

Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks and regards.


Juan Daniel replied to the topic 'Refocus during capture by HFR' in the forum. 6 months ago


Glad to hear this happens to more people.

Yes, refocusing after x minutes is enough, I only wanted to know if I has a wrong configuration.



Juan Daniel created a new topic ' Refocus during capture by HFR' in the forum. 6 months ago


last night I was taking images with Ekos and I enabled the autofocus if HFR > 1.5 px. Frames look pretty well but I faced each one or two captures Ekos started to refocus. I thought I had a very low HFR value and for that reason it tried to refocus continously, so I changed the value to 2 px (without stop the capture, I don´t know if it is possible to update the value during the loop).

However the issue persisted and I faced after last autofocus, HFR value was updated to 1.0.... px instead of 2px. Is there any process that updates this value after a refocus? Is this the expected behaviour?

Finally, I had to disable this option and refocus every 30 minutes.

Thanks and regards.


Juan Daniel replied to the topic 'Can't load INDI on RPi4' in the forum. 8 months ago


I don´t know if you are using the AstroPi3 script, but on each library that it compiles you will see something like this:

sudo -H -u $SUDO_USER make -j $(expr $(nproc) + 2)

The '-j $(expr $(nproc) + 2)' is the number of parallel jobs you want to use to compile. In this case it use number of processors + 2. If you don´t have enough RAM you can remove '--j $(expr $(nproc) + 2)' and use only one job. It will reduce the use of RAM but also will increase the time, because you will only use a process...

I was able to compile with a RPi3 1GB, but Kstars worked very slow and I had problem to handle big images. Now, I´m using a RPi4 8GB and it works pretty well. I don´t know how it will work with 2GB, I suppose a bit better than me.



Juan Daniel replied to the topic 'Can't load INDI on RPi4' in the forum. 8 months ago


I think it is easier run the installation script of Astropi3. It installs all the required dependencies for INDI and Kstars, and also creates a WiFi hotspot to handle your RPi from your phone or tablet. You can download it from this repo: github.com/rlancaste/AstroPi3
For Raspbian, you only have to run the script: setupAstroRaspbianPi.sh

Best regards.


Ooooh men... I feel stupid... You are right, I didn´t realize there are hidden buttons...
Thank you!!



I´m not sure if I configured everything fine, but it is not working for me.

I downloaded the DSS files from another post (I think Euripides sent the link a year ago, Norder 1 to 5) and I put them in /usr/share/kstars. I configured Kstars to read the DSS files from this folder:

I also checked the auto WCS option:

But when I open an image I taked some weeks ago with the fits viewer, new button to see the HIPS doesn´t appear:

Does it only works with images taked with auto WCS option checked? Or I forgot something.

Another question I have is: is auto WCS too heavy for a RPi4?

Thanks and regards.