
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

KStars MacOS 3.6.9 Beta

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Replied by Jerry Black on topic KStars MacOS 3.6.9 Beta

Well, I had downloaded using the link in #98509 and it runs on my M1 Mac Studio (only tested launching, not further testing by connecting ekos drivers).
I've just downloaded again, and the new version still works for me.

Note that I had right-click open twice as the 1st time, it refuses to give me the option to open the app anyway.

4 months 2 hours ago #98603

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Downloaded latest. But my EAF is nowhere to find! Rest equipment is fine. Just please check the ASI drivers again.
4 months 1 hour ago #98604

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Replied by Euripides on topic KStars MacOS 3.6.9 Beta

Try to create a new profile, that worked for me.
4 months 1 hour ago #98605

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It just took a minute or so to discover the EAF. I got itnow working.
4 months 1 hour ago #98606

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I downloaded it again, and it still won't work.

Error report here:

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Last edit: 3 months 4 weeks ago by Peter Kennett.
3 months 4 weeks ago #98610

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I just tried to launched it from the command line:

NMCosmos:Applications nmcosmos$ Open -a "KStars.app"
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed for the application /Applications/KStars.app with error -10810.
NMCosmos:Applications nmcosmos$
3 months 4 weeks ago #98611

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Sorry Peter, I should have been more clear. I meant running it from the Terminal like this:


Just type that and then hit enter. It will put all the output in the terminal and say whatever error happens more clearly and with more context about what is going on. It should look something like this (assuming it starts to launch and assuming you don't have your output going to a text file):

rlancaste@Orion ~ % /Applications/KStars.app/Contents/MacOS/kstars
Call to writableLocation without an application-based location.
org.kde.kstars: Welcome to KStars 3.6.9 Beta
org.kde.kstars: Build: 2024-01-26T20:43:19Z
org.kde.kstars: OS: "osx"
org.kde.kstars: API: "x86_64-little_endian-lp64"
org.kde.kstars: Arch: "x86_64"
org.kde.kstars: Kernel Type: "darwin"
org.kde.kstars: Kernel Version: "23.2.0"
org.kde.kstars: Qt Version: 5.15.12
Starting DBus

From this information I can see the context of what it tried to do before crashing, which can help to figure out why it crashed.

if it doesn't all load and launch properly, it should look more like this:

dyld[43469]: Library not loaded: @rpath/libcfitsio.4.dylib
Referenced from: <6F725553-BA37-37E9-8FE8-14001FC17C57> /Applications/KStars.app/Contents/MacOS/kstars
Reason: tried: '/Applications/KStars.app/Contents/Frameworks/libcfitsio.4.dylib' (no such file), '/Applications/KStars.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/libcfitsio.4.dylib' (no such file), '/Applications/KStars.app/Contents/Frameworks/libcfitsio.4.dylib' (no such file), '/Applications/KStars.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/libcfitsio.4.dylib' (no such file)
zsh: abort /Applications/KStars.app/Contents/MacOS/kstars

If you can see it, from this I can tell that the reason it did not launch was because it couldn't find libcfitsio.4.dylib, which I temporarily removed just to cause the error so you can see what information we would probably need to solve your crash.
3 months 4 weeks ago #98617

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I always find those MacOS crash reports to be hard to understand and read. If I read it correctly it said it could not find some function in /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib, which is pretty weird since that is a MacOS system file. This is why I asked you to run it from the command line, it can confirm this, or provide more info
3 months 4 weeks ago #98618

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NMCosmos:Applications nmcosmos$ /Applications/KStars.app/Contents/MacOS/kstars

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZTVNSt3__13pmr25monotonic_buffer_resourceE
Referenced from: /Applications/KStars.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore
Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
in /Applications/KStars.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore
Abort trap: 6

NMCosmos:Applications nmcosmos$
3 months 4 weeks ago #98619

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Thanks Rob for this update. It works fine for me on my M2 Mac mini under Sonoma, and an M1 MacBook, also under Sonoma, in the office.

It has enabled me to make my very first sequence under Ekos as it fixed the problem with capture and slew for Paramount mounts.

However, it did not fix the error in the FLI PDF focuser driver found by John Evans, unfortunately.

And, apart from that, I am still unable to set up a build environment for macOS, even on an Intel machine ;-( And this is a pity because I want to write a new driver to exploit the new JSON output from CloudWatcher (both Windows and Mac) as well as a driver to do something similar with the Cyclope Seeing Monitor (which doesn't deliver JSON but something similar).

3 months 4 weeks ago #98622

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I've downloaded OpenCore Legacy Patcher top upgrade my old 2012 Mac to be able to run MacOS 14.3 Sonoma.
That OS is downloading now and I will send an update if this version of KStars works on a patched Mac.

3 months 4 weeks ago #98635

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So I do have some Parallels Virtual Machines on my home server and I thought I would just test it out on the older machines. We have been building for a minimum MacOS of 10.15 Catalina for awhile now, ever since craft and qt stopped supporting everything lower than those. You might remember when we had to make that change a couple of years ago. So I started by trying it on 10.15.2, and I just found that I encountered the same error you reported Peter. Then I tried Big Sur and found the same error. I tried Sonoma and found that it worked fine. So something must have changed in the last few months either with MacOS, craft, or QT that is causing this error. I don't think it is anything to do with KStars itself. It is possible I have to change something in the build script due to a change somewhere. First I need to see why even though I told it to build for a minimum of 10.15, why it's not working on anything less than Sonoma.
3 months 4 weeks ago #98636

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