Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface INDI  2.0.2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NConnectionCombines all INDI Connection Plugins. Each INDI connection plugin is responsible of managing communications with a specific physical or logical medium (e.g. serial or ethernet)
 NDSPThe DSP Namespace adds signal processing to INDI drivers. Primarily written for sensors and detectors, it can be used also for CCDs. This namespace includes buffer transformations, convolution and signal filters, like bandpass and wavelets
 NINDINamespace to encapsulate INDI client, drivers, and mediator classes
 NIOPv3Encapsulates classes and structures required for iOptron Command Set v3 implementation
 NnlohmannNamespace for Niels Lohmann
 C_IBLOBVectorPropertyBLOB (Binary Large Object) vector property descriptor
 C_ILightVectorPropertyLight vector property descriptor
 C_INumberVectorPropertyNumber vector property descriptor
 C_ISwitchVectorPropertySwitch vector property descriptor
 C_ITextVectorPropertyText vector property descriptor
 CAlignmentThe Alignment class This converts between the mount axis angles and the sky hour angle and declination angles. Initially for equatorial fork and GEM mounts. To start with there is a unity mount model. The axis zeros correspond to the declination and hour angle zeroes and the directions match in the Northern henisphere For the GEM the normal pointing state is defined as positive hour angles, ie. with the mount on the East, looking West Both axis directions are mirrored in the South
 CAngleThe Angle class This class implements an angle type. This holds an angle that is always in the range -180 to +180 Relational and arithmetic operators work over the -180 - +180 discontinuity
 CAstrometryDriverINDI driver frontend for
 CAxisThe Axis class Implements a generic Axis which can be used for equatorial or AltAz mounts for both axes
 CCCDSimAdvanced simulator for a CCD that includes a dedicated on-board guide chip
 CDomeConnectionHolds the connection mode of the Dome
 CDomeSimAbsolute position dome that supports parking, unparking, and slaving
 Cdsp_align_info_tAlignment informations needed
 Cdsp_complexComplex number array struct, used in Fourier Transform functions
 Cdsp_fits_axisBinary table FITS Matrix axis
 Cdsp_fits_columnBinary table FITS extension column
 Cdsp_fits_formatFITS format
 Cdsp_fits_keywordFITS keyword
 Cdsp_fits_matrixBinary table FITS Matrix
 Cdsp_fits_rowBinary table FITS extension row
 Cdsp_location_tThe location type
 Cdsp_offset_tIndicates an offset
 Cdsp_point_tIndicates a dot or line inside a dsp_stream
 Cdsp_region_tDelimits a region in a single dimension of a buffer
 Cdsp_star_tA star or object contained into a buffer
 Cdsp_stream_tContains a set of informations and data relative to a buffer and how to use it
 Cdsp_triangle_tA star or object contained into a buffer
 CDustCapInterfaceProvides interface to implement remotely controlled dust cover
 CFilterConnectionHolds the connection mode of the Filter
 CFilterInterfaceProvides interface to implement Filter Wheel functionality
 CFilterSimSimple simulator to change filters. The filter names are saved to a config file when updated
 CFilterWheelClass to provide general functionality of a filter wheel device
 CFocuserClass to provide general functionality of a focuser device
 CFocuserConnectionHolds the connection mode of the Focuser
 CFocusSimSimple Focuser simulator that can simulator the following devices:
 CGPSClass to provide general functionality of a GPS device
 CGPSSimulatorSimple simulator that provide GPS Time and Location services
 CGuiderInterfaceProvides interface to implement guider (ST4) port functionality
 CGuideSimAdvanced simulator for a CCD that includes a dedicated on-board guide chip
 CIBLOBOne Blob (Binary Large Object) descriptor
 CILightOne light descriptor
 CINumberOne number descriptor
 CISwitchOne switch descriptor
 CITextOne text descriptor
 CJoyStickINDI driver that displays event data from game pads. The INDI driver can be encapsulated in any other driver via snooping on properties of interesting
 CJoyStickDriverBasic functionality to read events from supported game pads under Linux. It provides functions to read the button, axis, and joystick status and values. By definition, a joystick is the combination of two axis. A game pad may have one or more joysticks depending on the number of reported axis. You can utilize the class in an event driven fashion by using callbacks. The callbacks have a specific signature and must be set. Alternatively, you may query the status and position of the buttons & axis at any time as well
 CLightBoxInterfaceProvides interface to implement controllable light box/switch device
 CLpmConnectionHolds the connection mode of the device
 CLX200CapabilityHolds properties of LX200 Generic that might be used by child classes
 CManualFilterManual filter enables users from changing filter wheels manually
 CMdcpConnectionHolds the connection mode of the device
 CMountDriverSimple example for development of a new mount driver. Modify the driver to fit your needs
 CNFocusHandles communication and control with nFocus DC focuser
 CRotatorClass to provide general functionality of a rotator device
 CRotatorCapabilityHolds the capabilities of a Rotator
 CRotatorConnectionHolds the connection mode of the Rotator
 CRotatorInterfaceProvides interface to implement Rotator functionality
 CSatelliteTrackingPossible states for the satellite tracking
 CSatelliteWindowSatellite pass: window start and end
 CScopeSimSimple mount simulator of an equatorial mount
 CSensorClass to provide general functionality of Monodimensional Sensor
 CSqmConnectionHolds the connection mode of the device
 CStreamManagerClass to provide video streaming and recording functionality
 CTelescopeClass to provide general functionality of a telescope device
 CTelescopeCapabilityHolds the capabilities of a telescope
 CTelescopeConnectionHolds the connection mode of the telescope
 CTTYBaseBase class for serial communications
 CTypeHolds the connection type
 CUniqueQueueThe UniqueQueue class is a thread-safe FIFO container adapter
 CUSBDeviceClass to provide general functionality of a generic USB device
 CVectorThe Vector class This implements the Directional Cosine used by Taki in his Matrix method. using Vector because it's a 3D vector, hope this doesn't clash too badly with std::vector
 CWeatherClass to provide general functionality of a weather device
 CWeatherConnectionHolds the connection mode of the Weather